Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Vimax Original

Vimax Herbs adalah rumusan semulajadi untuk menambahkan air mani, membantu zakar tegang dengan sempurna dan juga cara untuk membesarkan zakar. Vimax herbs juga adalah ubat kuat tenaga batin lelaki yang inginkan kesihatan seksual yang hebat.
Vimax Herbs merupakan Herba Untuk Zuriat: Ia memperbaiki keseluruhan kesihatan seksual anda, membuat anda berasa lebih muda dan anda akan menikmati kepuasan seks lebih menyeronokkan. Cara membesarkan zakar, juga untuk awet muda.

Kesuburan anda juga meningkat, maka kadar untuk mendapatkan zuriat lebih cerah. Tidakkah anda ingin memberikan sesuatu yang terbaik buat pasangan anda? Inginkan zakar yang lebih sihat? Vimax Herbs mampu melancarkan aliran darah, menguatkan sperma dan meningkatkan ketegangan anda selain sebagai ubat kuat, ubat kuat tenaga batin lelaki.Permainan dan Dayungan anda juga akan bertahan lebih lama dan bertenaga.



vimax herbs malaysia
Cara membesarkan zakar selain ubat kuat tenaga batin
1) Orang yang sudah mula menunjukkan tanda mati pucuk
(tidak cukup keras) ketika berjimak bersama pasangan sahnya.
2) Cepat keluar air mani dan pancutan tidak cukup laju.
3) Tiada mood ketika bersama.
4) Semua lelaki yang inginkan tubuh badan dan senjata
yang kekal sihat,dan hebat.

1) Dapat menambah pemanjangan dan pembesaran zakar (tambah hingga 2″-3″ panjang dan tebal) * keputusan setiap individu adalah berbeza-beza.
2) Tingkatkan LIBIDO dan STAMINA – (daya seksual)
Memberi tenaga dan kecergasan ketika berjimak atau pun kerja seharian seperti bersukan dan sebagainya.
3) Penambahan air mani. (Meningkatkan kesuburan dan menguatkan sperma)
4) Melancarkan aliran darah dan meningkatkan ketegangan anda
5) Dijamin 100% (dirumus dengan herba terbaik dan bermutu)

2) Selain daripada itu,vimax adalah selamat dimakan.
1) Pastikan perut anda tidak kosong.

2) Ambil vimax 1 biji (sebiji) sehari dan untuk prestasi yang lebih baik boleh juga ditambah
1 biji 1 jam sebelum berjimak (jangan lebih 2 biji sehari). Minumlah air lebih atau makan buah-buahan
jika terasa pening (tip dari pelanggan yang telah menggunakannya).
3) Jika hari ke 3 merasa pening berlarutan ,sila ambil separuh,
buka kapsul dan tuangkan kedalam minuman panas seperti kopi.
Vimax Produk Yang Diperbuat dari Herba 100%
Pertama sekali, Vimax adalah makanan tambahan (atau Food Supplement) untuk para lelaki.
100% diformulasi dan diperbuat daripada herba – herba terhebat.
Vimax terdiri daripada formulasi herba – herba terbaik seperti E punedum Sagitum (Horny Goat Weed), Ginkgo, Ginseng, Saw Palmetto, Cayenne Fruit untuk menjadikannya Pil Herba #1 untuk para lelaki. Formulasi ini dirumus untuk memberikan kesan dan faedah yang sering diidamkan oleh lelaki seperti saiz, ereksi mantap, ejakulasi dan orgasma yang hebat, libido yang sihat serta stamina yang tinggi. Dengan kata lain, Vimax mampu membawa faedah bukan sahaja untuk prestasi dan kepuasan seksual, juga untuk kesihatan lelaki pada amnya.
Dengan amalan Vimax, lelaki mampu keluar dengan lebih YAKIN dan KONFIDEN . Dan ini adalah bersifat KEKAL .

Vimax memberikan kesan dan faedah yang KEKAL .
Vimax Pills – Gain up to 3 or 4 inches in length, and up to 25% increase in girth !! Vimax Pills is 100% safe & one of the best solutions on the enlargement pills. Bigger actually IS better.  Sorry, but the truth hurts guys!

Kebaikan Vimax Herbs Untuk Anda..
Formulasi kami dirumus untuk faktor yang sering lelaki idamkan. Pengguna melaporkan kesan yang memuaskan dari segi saiz, kekerasan, dan produksi sperma. Vimax Herbs juga meningkatkan nafsu seks dan stamina ketika hubungan intim. Pancutan yang lebih puas dan lama juga dapat dinikmati, selain seks yang lama hingga berjam lamanya.

Pengguna juga melaporkan peningkatan dari segi konfiden dan Vimax selalu menjadikan mereka lelaki idaman wanita yang sering mereka impikan menjadi kenyataan.
Bagi yang sentiasa mencuba daripada satu produk ke satu produk dengan tujuan untuk pembesaran, pastinya hanya tujuan itu sahaja yang sentiasa berlegar dalam pencarian produk terbaik di pasaran. Ketahui yang Vimax bukan sahaja mampu menambah saiz, namun ia juga berupaya memberikan kesan positif kepada kesihatan dan kesuburan lelaki. Di samping menguat dan mengaktifkan sperma, Vimax juga terbaik dalam memastikan perjalanan dan aliran darah adalah pada tahap yang optimal.
Tambah Saiz
Isu saiz seringkali berlegar dalam kotak fikiran kebanyakan lelaki. Ada yang mencuba teknik lama seperti menggantung pemberat dan sebagainya. Ada juga yang mengamalkan teknik Jelqing selain dari kaedah urutan dengan pelbagai jenis minyak. Senaman juga turut terlibat dalam usaha untuk mendapatkan saiz dan kepuasan yang diidamkan.
Namun begitu, dengan komitmen dan kesibukan kerja yang semakin hebat masa kini, teknik – teknik dan amalan senaman sebegini memerlukan komitmen yang tinggi. Amalan sebegini harus diamalkan secara berjadual dan menuntut sedikit ruangan masa. Dan juga ia mengambil masa untuk mendapat kesan dan faedah yang diinginkan.
Di sinilah kebaikan Vimax Herbs. Tidak perlu lagi senaman, teknik regangan dan tuaman. Tidak perlu lagi mengurut secara sembunyi. Hanya ambil 1 kapsul pada setiap hari. Vimax akan mengembangkan tisu – tisu ereksi dan menguatkan pembuluh darah – seterusnya ini akan menjadikan zakar lebih kuat, keras, dan panjang. Daripada testimoni yang diterima, ada yang sudah mencapai saiz 2 ” – 3 ” selepas mengamalkan pengambilan Vimax.
Maklumat Herba Dalam VIMAX HERBS
Epimedium Sagittatum atau Horny Goat Weed – herba ini mampu mencetuskan libido di samping meningkatkan fungsi ereksi. Digunakan untuk mengembalikan tenaga seksual di samping keletihan yang melampau. Secara amnya, ia berfungsi dengan membebaskan testosterone yang membenarkan anda memiliki kehendak seksual dan tenaga batin yang tinggi, di samping menambah sensasi seksual dan fizikal.
Cayenne Fruit – digunakan untuk mencegah penyakit serta mengawal keseimbangan pengaliran darah. Ia juga mampu mencegah angin ahmar dan serangan sakit jantung dengan meningkatkan keaktifan jantung (bukan tekanan darah). Ia juga berupaya membina semula tisu – tisu yang lemah serta membantu dalam mencegah keletihan.
Ginkgo – Herba ini mampu membantu otak, sistem saraf utama dan gejala mati pucuk. Ginkgo dikenali kerana mampu meningkatkan aliran darah ke dalam otak yang mana membantu kepada fungsi mental. Herba ini juga meningkatkan aliran darah ke dalam sistem zakar yang mana turut meningkatkan fungsi seksual.
Saw Palmetto – dikenali mampu merangsang libido yang rendah dalam lelaki, di samping meningkatkan tenaga seksual. Ia juga meningkatkan kefungsian seksual dan kehendak serta di samping mengurangkan paras kolestrol dan asid lemak di dalam darah.
Ginseng – digunakan untuk mendapatkan tenaga tambahan. Sekumpulan saintis Rusia mendapati Ginseng merangsang aktiviti fizikal dan mental dan mempunyai kesan yang positif terhadap kelenjar seks dan menambah prestasi. Digunakan untuk merawat gejala mati pucuk di mana ia mengawal keseimbangan tekanan darah di samping merawat dan membaiki sistem badan. Ia juga menyumbang kepada perkembangan tisu – tisu sarah. Satu elemen penting di dalam ginseng ialah ginsenosides yang mengubah aliran darah ke otak dan sistem zakar. Ginseng juga membantu kepada masalah ketidaksuburan dan ejakulasi pra matang
Jangkaan Pertumbuhan dan Perubahan
- Minggu 1 Hingga 4;
Kesan dapat dilihat dalam beberapa minggu, iaitu ketebalan dan ereksi yang lebih lama .Kesan yang dapat dilihat pada beberapa minggu pertama seperti ereksi yang lebih lama, lebar genggam (atau girth). Ada juga pengguna yang sebelum ini jarang – jarang ereksi pada waktu pagi, dapat merasakan kembali ereksi selepas pengambilan Vimax. Apa yang berlaku ialah formulasi Vimax berfungsi untuk merawat dan membaiki sistem saraf dan aliran darah dalam sistem zakar untuk kembali pada tahap terbaik
- Minggu 5 Hingga 8;
Selepas sebulan dua, zakar akan ketara dari segi panjang, tebal dan lebar. Berdiri di depan cermin dan amati. Anda akan kagum dengan saiz zakar anda yang baru.
- Minggu 9 ;
Bila anda ereksi, anda dapati kesan perubahan yang amat ketara sekali. Bukan hanya dari segi saiz, malahan zakar lebih padat dan kuat dari sebelumnya.
**Nota: Jangkaan pertumbuhan dan perubahan adalah bergantung pada setiap individu. Kadar pertumbuhan yang dinyatakan adalah berdasarkan kadar yang normal. Ada individu yang memperoleh kesan yang cepat serta ada yang sedikit lambat. Namun, kesan dan perubahan ADALAH POSITIF.
**Formulasi Vimax TIDAK BERTUJUAN UNTUK MERAWAT, MENYEMBUH ATAU MENGELAKKAN SEBARANG PENYAKIT. Individu yang dinyatakan memperoleh faedah dan manfaat yang hebat. Setiap individu berbeza, maka kesannya juga akan berbeza. Sila rujuk dan berbincang dengan doktor anda
vimax herbs malaysia
Tempah Vimax Herbs Sekarang…!!!


Cara Membeli

Cara untuk membeli adalah amat mudah dan senang. Segalanya boleh dilakukan secara online dan anda tidak perlu bersusah payah untuk pergi kemana-mana. Kami menerima pembayaran melalui online, paypal mahupun bayaran secara offline iaitu bank transfer.

Tempahan boleh dibuat melalui:- / Maybank Atm Cash Deposit
CimbClicks / Cimb Atm Cash Deposit atau Paypal
1. Bankin RM260.00 ke Akaun :
Nama : Abdul Halim
Nama Bank : Maybank Berhad
Acc No :157090929702

Nama Bank : CIMB Bank
Acc No : 0702 0002 2932 09
2. Simpan segala bukti transaksi pembayaran anda.
(Simpan sehingga anda menerima barangan anda)
3. Sms / Call : 019-5460533


Berikan butiran lengkap berikut :
Nama anda
Alamat Anda
Bank In
Jumlah Transaksi
Masa transaksi
Tarikh transaksi


Vimax Original mempunyai Batch number. 

Approved by FDA

Anda boleh dapatkan maklumat lanjut dari iaitu pengeluar Vimax yang sah.
Berikut adalah maklumat yang tentang Vimax yang kami perolehi sendiri daripada mereka:

“After 2-3 weeks, it can enhance sexual performance when taken 1 hour – 30 minutes before sexual activity. And after 3-6 weeks, you can see the first result in term of increase in penis size.

One bottle is a 1 month supply.
Each month supply gives 0.5 inch in lengths and 5% increase in overall girth. The maximum results one can gain from Vimax are 3-4 inches and 25-30% increase in overall girth.
However, the results may differ among individuals.
Currently, the Vimax pills packed in Canada/USA comes in 3 different colors: brown, red-white, or green. We might also manufacture Vimax in other color in the future. The appearance of the bottles and the pills may change but the formula is the same, and the ingredient is the same.

NOTA: Kesan yang diperolehi adalah berbeza bagi mengikut individu. Kami tidak dapat menjamin yang anda akan memperolehi hasil yang sama seperti di atas.

SEX Drops

asm. Need an extra boost to your sex drive, or maybe want an extra strong, more intense climax?  Well this is the place to look, we have something for everyone in this extensive range of female and male enhancement products.

Spanish Fly™ Aphrodisiac - Natural


From the land of passionate romance...the legend of Spanish Fly lives on!  Passed on from generation to generation, this famed aphrodisiac will ignite passion between you and your lover and get you both in the mood for love.  One taste is all it takes to drive your lover wild.  Available in several exotic blends, try one on your partner tonight and surrender to ecstasy!

This product comes with a 30-day money back questions asked! If you are not completely satisfied with the product, simply return any UNOPENED product(s), for a refund. As long as the product is sealed and untampered, you will be refunded your original price, less shipping, handling, and insurance cost. If your product included free shipping, we deduct our shipping costs. We also reserve the right to deduct a 15% restocking/service fee. Refunds are limited to one order per customer.
We do ship worldwide, but customers are responsible for customs restrictions, fees, duties, import taxes, and so on, in their respective country. These charges are the buyer's responsibility. In the event that a shipment is returned to us by the postal service, we will refund your original price, less shipping and handling cost and site fees. We are not responsible for items seized in customs. Please know your local laws pertaining to the items you order. The customer also assumes full responsibility for seized items and no refund will be given.
item id spanish natural

      BUY Now  $16.90

Seller ships within 1 day after receiving cleared payment .
Please note the delivery estimate is 2 to 3 business days (USA )

Increase Sex Drive Instantly with Inverma Spanish Fly . Aroused Your wife or Girl Friend in 15 mins!
Feeling like making love, also called sexual desire, is an emotional and physical reaction to a certain erotic stimulation. Lust for sex may follow after kissing ardently, caressing the body affectionately or touching the genitals in a certain way. Sexual arousal can also come from evaluating the other as being physically attractive.

We bring you the original Inverma Spanish Fly Drops. Its active ingredients quickly promotes sexual desire and arousal. This product can be mixed with any drink – but no more than 15 drops should be used…
Something to help her get into the mood for love. Use about 10 drops into her drinks and you’ll see its effect in about 15-20 minutes. Can be added into any type of drinks except very hot drinks or coconut water. A bottle can be used at least 3 times.

With only $38.90, you will revive your sex life without much effort! A Happy, Healthy Sex Life is Essential to Living. only $38.90 including charge Standard Postage Worldwide.

Buy Female Sex Drops Now! 

Free International shipping

      Buy now  $38.90

Seller ships within 1 day after receiving cleared payment .
Please note the delivery estimate is 2 to 3 business days (USA )

Spanish Fly™ Aphrodisiac Super Strong- Natural

"Experience Spanish passion yourself with these unique aphrodisiac love drops.
For long and passionate nights as you have never experienced before...."
Spanish Fly
passionate hot nights!
for men and women
Please note that this product is very strong!

From the land of passionate romance...the legend of Spanish Fly lives on!  Passed on from generation to generation, this famed aphrodisiac will ignite passion between you and your lover and get you both in the mood for love.  One taste is all it takes to drive your lover wild.  Available in several exotic blends, try one on your partner tonight and surrender to ecstasy!

  Buy now  $65.00
Seller ships within 1 day after receiving cleared payment .
Please note the delivery estimate is 2 to 3 business days (USA )

German Sex Drop

Feeling like making love, also called sexual desire, is an emotional and physical reaction to a certain erotic stimulation. Lust for sex may follow after kissing ardently, caressing the body affectionately or touching the genitals in a certain way. Sexual arousal can also come from evaluating the other as being physically attractive.
We have Germany Sex Drops to Increase Sex Drive .The total solution to bring the sparks again in your bored wife! German sex drop has long been a legendary aphrodisiac and for good reason. Just a few drops will make him or her feel very, very horny.Genitals literally tingle with anticipation and only cure is sex!!!!

Sex is important part in many relationships, increase female sex drive.
therefore many women use natural women libido enhancer to increase female sex drive and one of these is Germany sex drops. Germany Sex Drops is quick, simple and affordable solution to

These sex drive drops increase lubrication, improve blood flow and sensation, and enhance libido in women by helping overall health and energy. Germany women sex drops increase amount of melatonin hormone in women body (the female sex hormone) safely and without side effects.

This natural women libido enhancer can definitely help increase sex drive so that you can enjoy sex again with your partner again. This alone can help a great deal to increase female sex drive. If you are in need of a natural women libido enhancer, it’s time to turn to sex drive drops. These sex drops can bring your sex life back. Buy Germany Sex Drive Drops online now!

So what are the causes of lack of libido or sex drive in women?

As is the case with men, lack of sex drive in women can be of either physical or psychological origin. Physical causes
Anaemia, which is very common in women because of iron loss during periods
Pain or discomfort during sex. If a woman experiences pain during sex (dyspareunia) or is unableto achieve orgasm (anorgasmia), this may kill her desire for sex.
Drug abuse
Major diseases such as diabetes
Post-baby ‘coolness’, a term we have coined for the loss of libido that often happens after child-birth. It is almost certainly linked to hormonal changes that occur at this time. The general trauma of childbirth also plays a part – and after having a baby, many women are too exhausted to think about sex.
Prescribed drugs, particularly tranquillisers .
Hyperprolactinaemia – a rare disorder in which the pituitary gland is overactive
Other hormone abnormalities: leading Swiss gynaecologist Dr Michael Nemec claims that abnormalities in the production of luteinisinghormone (LH) often cause lack of desire. And top British gynaecologist John Studd says that many women who have lost their libido lack androgenic (male) hormones. This view remains controversial
Obesity or Anorexia. Women who are medically obese or suffer from anorexia (or are severely underweight) may be deficient in certain sex hormones and experience lack of sexual interest. SOLVE your Lack of Libido or Sex Drive problem or to Arouse your wife and girl friend in 5 minutes, we have Germany Sex Drops for you. This is safe  better than Spanish Fly which helps to increase sex drive.

Here are the results you can expect by taking Germany Sex Drops libido enhancement: 

  1. Increase libido or arouse sex drive immediately, horny with WET Vagina
  2. More frequent interest in sex
  3. Promoted sexual response time, quicker arousal and less time to climax
  4. Intensified sexual sensation and orgasm
  5. Promoted clitoral stimulation
  6. Increased likelihood of multiple orgasms
  7. Increases blood flow to the female genital area and maximizes engorgement of the clitoris.
  8. Enhance clitoral stimulation
  9. Increase chances of multiple orgasms
  10. Immediate arousal and climax in less time.

Germany Sex Drops Ingredients|Active Ingredients

Germany sex drops main ingredients are: Water, Fructose, Melatonin and Canitis. These sex drop are based on natural and herbal formula and work as natural women libido enhancer without any knows side effects.

With only $40.00, you will revive your sex life without much effort! A Happy, Healthy Sex Life is Essential to Living. We charge Standard Postage Worldwide – $10.00. 
Price per Unit (bottle): USD41.90 +USD10.00 (postage) Total USD 51.90

(USD $41.90 +$10.00 (Shipping and handling) Total $51.90)

Seller ships within 1 day after receiving cleared payment .
Please note the delivery estimate is 2 to 3 business days (USA )

Spanish Fly Mints Cherry Berry libido enhancer increase sex drive

Increase your sexual appetite with these Spanish Fly Mints. They are dual-sided, with one side delivering libido enhancing amino acids (including L-Arginine), and the other providing you with a delicious flavor. 
Made in the USA 
To SOLVE your Lack of Libido or Sex Drive problem or to Arouse your wife and girl friend in 5 minutes, . This is safe  better than Spanish Fly which helps to increase sex drive.

  Buy now  $45.90

Seller ships within 1 day after receiving cleared payment .
Please note the delivery estimate is 2 to 3 business days (USA )

REAL Genuine 

Fast dissolving in any drink
For men and women
contains 30 tablets

Please note that this product is very strong!

(USD $40.90 +$6.00 (Shipping and handling) Total $46.90)

  Buy now  $46.90

Seller ships within 1 day after receiving cleared payment .
Please note the delivery estimate is 2 to 3 business days (USA )

  • A better version of Spanish fly Sexual Enhancement is the Spanish Gold Fly. Used By Women of all Ages Who Want Quick Arousal, and the Best Sex Drive They Can Possibly Achieve!
  • Good way to increase your libido without having any harmful effect on your body.
  • Effects of Spanish Gold Fly are increased vaginal lubrication, greater sensuality which leads to great orgasm, good immunity system and definitely a happy sexual life .
  • Provides you with a better immunity system which naturally enhances your carnal need for you partner.
  • This is an herbal product that meets all the regulations and of the FDA in USA and MHRA in Europe.

Outstanding benefits of Spanish Gold Fly

Vaginal conditions prior to sex are vital to the quality of a woman’s sexual act. Sex will be enjoyable if the vagina is moist. Therefore, Spanish Gold Fly arouses the woman and makes sure that she achieves these conditions in just five or less minutes. The clitoris gets enough blood supply in readiness to receive him.

Spanish Gold Fly is a product a woman should never miss to have around her bedroom. There is no other way to arouse a woman in five minutes than using the new Spanish Gold Fly. The product is the best care for relationships that are threatened for lack of sex. This is the time to burry your gloomy past and wake in a new sexual dawn.

This product is just more than amazing. The results are instant and the satisfaction is lasting. If a woman has ever used Spanish Fly, she understands the meaning of a new Spanish Gold Fly. Where else would a woman get libido enhancement solutions apart from Spanish Gold Fly?

With only $80.00, you will revive your sex life without much effort! A Happy, Healthy Sex Life is Essential to Living. We charge Standard Postage Worldwide – $10.00. 

Seller ships within 1 day after receiving cleared payment .
Please note the delivery estimate is 2 to 3 business days (USA )

Monster Xplosion  

Natural Male Explosion 60 COUNT

The Extreme Sexual Stimulant

Suggested Use

As a dietary supplement, adults take one (2) capsule daily preferably before sexual activity. Do not exceed four (4) per day.

Product Info

This powerful pro-sexual product is one of Colossal Labs best sellers! Why? Because it works! Enjoy the following benefits from Ejaculoid:
  • Enhanced Sex Drive
  • Better Performance
  • Increased Natural Testosterone Levels
  • Stronger Blood Flow
  • Maximum Stamina
  • Higher Volume of Ejaculate
Use Monster Xplosion to enhance your pleasure and that of your partner as well. You will truly “fill” her ultimate desires.
***Very discreet Shipping***


 Price per Unit (bottle): USD30.99 +USD9.99 (postage) Total USD 40.98

(USD $30.99 +$9.99 (Shipping and handling) Total $40.98)


We are one of the world's leading traders in this amazing product....
 so you can buy from us with 100% confidence.

ALL this product comes with a 30-day money back questions asked! If you are not completely satisfied with the product, simply return any UNOPENED product(s), for a refund. As long as the product is sealed and untampered, you will be refunded your original price, less shipping, handling, and insurance cost. If your product included free shipping, we deduct our shipping costs. We also reserve the right to deduct a 15% restocking/service fee. Refunds are limited to one order per customer.

We do ship worldwide, but customers are responsible for customs restrictions, fees, duties, import taxes, and so on, in their respective country. These charges are the buyer's responsibility. In the event that a shipment is returned to us by the postal service, we will refund your original price, less shipping and handling cost and site fees. We are not responsible for items seized in customs. Please know your local laws pertaining to the items you order. The customer also assumes full responsibility for seized items and no refund will be given.

Important Notes:
 1. By all means, this product shall only be used with the consent of your partner. No illegal or immoral activities promoted here.
2. Pregnant women and patients with heart disease shall not consume this product.

Payment can be made thru Paypal


Postage and Shipping
Shipping Coverage:
We ship worldwide.

Shipping Medium:
Item will be shipped by Registered Mail (can be posted by DHL, FedEx or Courier Service if requested, at additional charge).

Shipping Duration:
Registered Mail: As item is shipped from USA and UK, it takes Approximately 2-3 working days to Europe, US, Canada and  10-14 working days to Asia. Insurance COVERED.

Discreet Packaging:
Item will by wrapped up safely and properly. The content inside will be kept private.

Contact Us

For any further inquiry you may have about Sex Drops please contact us. we try our best to answer all emails within 12 hours. Email :

This quick chart shows some of the most important things each product offers.  Keep in mind that this information is straight from each site and that overall, each of these products is safe for any woman to use.

NameNatural?Acts in…What form?Ingredients Disclosed?Cures?Price
Germany Sex DropsYes10 minutes or lessDrops in waterYesVaginal dryness, increases libido and sex drive, increases energy a bit$50.00 + Postage shipping
Spanish FlyYes15 minutes or lessDrops in waterSomeVaginal dryness, increases arousal, claims to give bigger orgasms$38.00 + Postage shipping
Spanish Fly super Yes5 minutes or lessDrops in waterSomeImproves arousal, vaginal dryness, increases sex drive, and improves sensation, Claims to give bigger orgasms$65.00 + postage shipping